May 15, 2023
DOKTORVOLT company has been awarded the title of Enterprise of the Year 2022. This is a great reason for joy and an even greater motivation for action and development.
On May 12th (Friday), the XVII Business Gala of the “Śląsk” Chamber of Commerce for its 30th anniversary took place at Hotel Arkas in Prószków. The Gala was attended by renowned and esteemed speakers such as Janusz Steinhoff, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy in Jerzy Buzek’s government, and Prof. Marian Noga, an economist and academic teacher. During the Gala, we got to know the winners of the Business of the Year 2022 competition. In the Junior Business category, Suit from Radlin emerged as the winner. Wojciech Olendrowa from Czora company was awarded the title of Business Leader, while DOKTORVOLT company was chosen as the Enterprise of the Year.
During the ceremonial gala, a number of awards and distinctions were presented to individuals associated with the “Śląsk” Chamber of Commerce. There were numerous expressions of gratitude, well wishes from local government officials and supporters of the Chamber, as well as memories from the life of the Chamber of Commerce.

The Company of the Year competition, which was decided at the XVII Business Gala, has been organized for almost 20 years.
Sixteen companies from across the Silesian region applied to participate. The competition was judged by a panel consisting of representatives from local government and media.
The most important category in the entire competition was the Company of the Year. The victory went to DOKTORVOLT.
Winning such a prestigious competition is always a tremendous source of motivation and a reason to be proud. We are delighted that our company has been recognized in this way in Silesia.