November 13th, 2019
On 11 December, the First Dobrodzien Economic Forum was held in furniture gallery “Dobroteka”. The event brought together local entrepreneurs and local government representatives, and the meeting was opened by the Mayor of Dobrodzien, Dr Andrzej Jasiński. During the meeting, investment offers of the municipality were presented, among others.
Apart from local government officials from Dobrodzien, delegates of the Opole Centre for Economic Development, Katowice Special Economic Zone and Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego also had the opportunity to present their business proposals. The content of the meeting perfectly matched the climate of modern Dobroteka design. The culmination of the event was the inclusion of Dobrodzień municipality into the Katowice Economic Zone.
Doktorvolt also contributed to the organisation of the event. In cooperation with our partners we presented charging stations for electric vehicles. The modern solution caught the attention of the event guests. The whole event promises positive changes towards the modernisation of Dobrodzien municipality and its economic development.