Design and order your ideal distribution box

We have a wide selection of standard distribution boxes for you, and if you need something tailored to your needs – we do custom prefabrication of electrical boxes and extension cords! Use our configurator to create the perfect solution for you, or contact our technical department – we will help you choose the best option!


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Let’s get to know each other

DOKTORVOLT® is a manufacturer of construction distribution boxes and extension cords that has won the recognition of customers in Poland and throughout Europe. We focus on high quality and customer satisfaction. We are distinguished by the careful and accurate manufacturing of our products. Our product range meets European standards of quality and safety, as evidenced by the great interest of customers in Western markets. We are a modern company open to innovation. Important to us are a friendly atmosphere and work culture, as well as continuous development.


Configure the perfect equipment for your needs

Use our configurator to easily customize your electrical distribution box. Select the size, components and layout, then view the generated preview. Doktorvolt’s distribution box configurator is ideal for residential, camping, construction, photovoltaic, commercial and industrial installations.


We focus on development and new technologies

Doktorvolt has consistently proven that investing in development and new technologies is the key to success in the rapidly changing energy market. With innovative solutions, high-quality products and attention to customer needs, the brand is strengthening its position as an industry leader. The future belongs to those who are not afraid of challenges and bet on modern technologies – and Doktorvolt is a perfect example of this.

Zakład Produkcyjno Handlowy Doktorvolt Zbigniew Maleska
ul. Chłopska 3
46-380 Malichów
NIP 5761373303
 mobile phone: +48 534 229 906
phone: +48 34 387 80 58

mobile phone: +48 506 966 663
KONTO EUR: Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien DE95 8505 0100 0232 0305 45